The purpose of the Forum is to provide an opportunity for behaviorists, trainers, and other animal professionals from different disciplines and backgrounds to meet and focus on recent developments in companion animal behavior.

The Forum is a place to share information, develop professional relationships, have in-depth discussions, advance  the field, and encourage future communication.

IFAAB began in 1997 with a handful of behavior professionals including Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists, Veterinary Behaviorists, Certified Pet Dog Trainers and animal shelter professionals. Since then, the variety of companion animal behavior professionals has expanded. IFAAB is unique in its format, requiring most attendees to deliver a presentation, and structured to allow deep, collegial discussion. Friendly differences of opinion among attendees are encouraged, because that’s how we all learn from each other.  

The annual ifaab conference is postponed until 2025

If you have questions, contact us at